Este pode não ser o vosso hardcore, mas é o meu. Possivelmente o melhor festival dos últimos anos, feito na Europa. Os anos anteriores têm sido bons, mas este ano com Nightmare do Japão, atinge o auge:
K-town Fest 2006Thursday:21:00 - Pest Fest (de)
22:00 - Assassinators (kbh)
23:00 - Flyktplan (se)
00:00 - Sløseri (kbh)
01:00 - Selfish (fin)
02:00 - Vicious (se)
Demo:17:00 - Politiet A/S (kbh)
Friday:19:00 - Oi Polloi (sco)
20:00 - Today's Overdose (se)
20:45 - HjerteStop (kbh)
21:30 - Cruelty (eng)
22:15 - Skitkids (swe)
23:00 - Kyklooppien Sukupuutto (fin)
00:00 - Death Token (kbh)
01:00 - Nightmare (jpn)
02:00 - War of Destruction (dk)
Workshops:12.00 Bike building (in the alley)
12.00 Womens health (in the basement)
21.00 Freakbike alleycat race (meet in the alley)
CinemaFrom 14:00 o'clock till 18:00
Saturday:19:00 - La Piovra (ita)
20:00 - Dødskontrol (kbh)
21:00 - Ruidosa Inmundicia (au)
22:00 - Nuclear Death Terror (kbh)
23:00 - Piss Christ (aus)
00:00 - Skarpretter (kbh)
01:00 - Guided Cradle (cz)
02:00 - Tristess (se)
Punx picnic at Folkets Park:15:00 - Sidsta Sekunden (se)
16:00 - Gorilla Angreb (kbh)
Workshops:12.00 Bike building (in the alley)
12.00 Belarus info (basement)
14.00 Bike picnic (At Gammel Torv, inner city)
????? Graffitti workshop
CinemaFrom 14:00 o'clock till 18:00
Sunday:20:00 - TBA (??)
21:00 - Instinct of Survival (de)
22:00 - Bomberegn (kbh)
23:00 - Hevn (no/us)
24:00 - No Hope For The Kids (kbh)
Worshops:12.00 Ungdomshuset info (basement)
16.00 Bike wars showdown (in the alley)
17.00 Bike wars 06 : return of the warlords (Hans Tavsens park)
CinemaJack Stevenson celluiloid showing...
From 13:00-14:00 o'clock till 17:00