Toshiharu Ikeda, segundo consta, terá se suicidado.
É o realizador do mítico Evil Dead Trap, dos melhores slashers movies a vir do oriente, bem ao género de clássicos italianos.
sexta-feira, janeiro 28, 2011
Bones Brigade - reunião
a velha equipa da bones brigade vai começar agora em 2011 a filmar um documentário, a produzir estará Stacy Peralta.

PS: só uma curiosidade, em ambas as fotos falta o mítico Ray Barbee...
Na década de 80 a powel peralta fazia uma pequena zine so dedicada à bones brigade, felizmente guardei uma da época (um dia digitalizo e mostro).
Algumas imagens:

PS: só uma curiosidade, em ambas as fotos falta o mítico Ray Barbee...
Na década de 80 a powel peralta fazia uma pequena zine so dedicada à bones brigade, felizmente guardei uma da época (um dia digitalizo e mostro).
Algumas imagens:

quinta-feira, janeiro 27, 2011
kick skate
procurei por isto durante algum tempo e finalmente posso mostrar os meus primeiros ténis de skate. Tive os verdes que se vêm na imagem! Eram o orgulho para a época. A kick skate e a moska eram algumas das marcas brasileiras que chegavam a portugal na década de 80, bastante mais baratos que os ténis vision. Ainda hoje tenho o autocolante colado numa janela do meu quarto em casa dos meus pais.
Agora só me falta encontrar os ténis da Bad Billys - vertente skate da billabong...
Agora só me falta encontrar os ténis da Bad Billys - vertente skate da billabong...
quarta-feira, janeiro 26, 2011
segunda-feira, janeiro 24, 2011
Inside Cerchio Ghisallo - wood bicycle rims
The makers of legendary Ghisallo wood bicycle rims, Giovanni and Antonio Cermenati, demonstrate how it's done.
sexta-feira, janeiro 21, 2011
Noctural Working Class Heroes
Riding home at 3 AM (early night in Copenhagen) on a Saturday I cycled past these two working class heroes. The chap in the foreground has been collecting bottles in the busy city on a Saturday night. Denmark has a 65 year old bottle deposit system where glass bottles are re-used up to 7 times and the deposit is quite high. 20 cents for a beer bottle and up to 75 cents for a 2.5 litre soft drink bottle.
Collecting bottles can be lucrative and on weekend nights - or in parks and on beaches in the summer - you don't need to worry about your bottles. People will come and gather them up for you. It's a great system.
Anyway, this guy is heading home with the night's haul. Working hard. Respect.
Ahead of him is a newspaper carrier heading out to deliver papers to the citizens. Most papers are delivered at four or five in the morning - if I get home at a 'normal' hour after a night out, I can manage to catch the bakeries when they open at about 5 AM and then pick up my newspaper off the doormat before stumbling into my flat.
Bicycles, as ever, are instrumental in keeping this city moving. The Germans confiscated the bicycles in the Netherlands during World War 2. When the German High Command in occupied Denmark proposed to do the same, there was a massive discussion. The Germans used Denmark as a bread basket for feeding their troops. One General wanted the bikes to be made illegal because of the Resistance but another understood that the country would grind to a halt without them. The argument went all the way back to Berlin where it was decided to let the Danes keep their bikes.
Anyway... working class heroes in the Copenhagen night have my deepest respect.
Copenhagenize the planet. And have a lovely day.
The core concept is simple enough. The three films - Friday Killer, Saturday Killer and Sunday Killer - pair an established comedian with a pretty young thing in some sort of hitman-based story. Beyond that the tone diverges wildly.
Friday Killer is the serious one - serious enough that despite being the first completed, the first in order by title, and winning the top prize at the Phuket International Film Festival last year the distributors opted to hold back and release the comedy-oriented Saturday Killer first to establish the series - the story of an aging hitman (Thep Po-ngam, familiar from Yuthlert's Killer Tattoo) released from a lengthy stint in prison to discover that his daughter has become a policewoman and is now gunning for him.
The theatrical trailer for this one is freshly arrived on the scene and it looks to be pretty great. Well shot, well acted, stylish and with heart. Check it out below.
Friday Killer is the serious one - serious enough that despite being the first completed, the first in order by title, and winning the top prize at the Phuket International Film Festival last year the distributors opted to hold back and release the comedy-oriented Saturday Killer first to establish the series - the story of an aging hitman (Thep Po-ngam, familiar from Yuthlert's Killer Tattoo) released from a lengthy stint in prison to discover that his daughter has become a policewoman and is now gunning for him.
The theatrical trailer for this one is freshly arrived on the scene and it looks to be pretty great. Well shot, well acted, stylish and with heart. Check it out below.
quinta-feira, janeiro 20, 2011
quarta-feira, janeiro 19, 2011
Después de llegar a Sitges llegó la mejor parte. Fuimos al Autódromo de Terramar. Una pista de carreras muy famosa en los años 20 a los 50 y que ahora esta abandonada. Habíamos visto fotos pero no nos imaginábamos esas proporciones. Nos quedamos sin palabras viendo y corriendo por esos peráltes, unos más que otros. Ahora está muy descuidado.
Rubber (2011) - parte 2
novo trailer para o filme Rubber. Se os trailers anteriores prometiam, este então, supera tudo. Finalmente um filme sobre objectos com vida a fazer lembrar os grandes Christine e MaximumOverdrive
terça-feira, janeiro 18, 2011
segunda-feira, janeiro 17, 2011
Mike Giant GUERRERO GALLERY from Jan Wayne Swayze on Vimeo.
Mike Giant – “Reflections on Past, Present and Future”
2700 19th Street San Francisco, CA 94110
December 11th 7-11pm
Guerrero Gallery is pleased to announce “Reflections on Past, Present and Future” an exhibition featuring works by Mike Giant. A body of work that’s intended to lead us to reflect on our past and how our past has influenced who we’ve become today, Mike’s presentation of honored and praised iconography prompts us to contemplate how we can continue to evolve. Branching out from his traditional medium of ink and paper, Mike has created collage works and hand paintings on canvas, bringing forth a new body of work that surpasses expectation.
Throughout the years, Mike Giant has proven to be one of the best draftsmen around. Known for this precision in the realm of drawing, he has utilized this exhibition as a springboard to more diversely express personal thought and emotion. Working with visually journalistic matter, he composes images that bring us back to the times when we were seeking role models and inspirational influences. Through the use of images that personally influence and drive him, these works seemingly present a diary or sorts and provide us with true insight into Mike as a person.
domingo, janeiro 16, 2011
Hobo with a Shotgun (2010)
desde the Hitcher (Terror na Auto-Estrada), blade runner (perigo eminente)e wanted: dead or alive (procura-se morto ou vivo, com gene Simmons a fazer de terrorista...) - outros como: mulher falcão, o guardião e vingança cega - que Rutger Hauer é um dos meus heróis de adolescência.
Depois de algum tempo em papeis secundários, parece que lhe voltaram a dar o protagonismo merecido. Adoro o trailer e o poster, espero que o filme esteja ao mesmo nível.
Depois de algum tempo em papeis secundários, parece que lhe voltaram a dar o protagonismo merecido. Adoro o trailer e o poster, espero que o filme esteja ao mesmo nível.
sábado, janeiro 15, 2011
i saw the devil (2010)
Vi este filme à umas semanas e embora não seja um old boy - a comparação com um filme de topo como old boy é inevitável - será um dos filmes de topo coreano, possivelmente a merecer mais um remake norte americano. A história resume-se a algo muito simples, como: vingança! (alguma novidade aqui?..) A mulher de um policia é violada e assassinada. O policia descobre quem é o violador, dá-lhe um excerto, paga-lhe o tratamento e coloca-lhe uma capsula com um localizador de gps. A partir daí, sempre que o violador anda à caça é apanhado e leva na tromba, sendo liberto de seguida. Esta sequência repete-se até correr mal...
Pelas criticas que tinha lido, esperava um pouco mais do filme, mas vale bem a pena. Outro que sugiro é o Man Of vendetta (mais tarde escrevo sobre este...)
sexta-feira, janeiro 14, 2011
Somos lo que hay (2010)
um dos filmes que mais aguardo para ver:
Synopsis: A middle-aged man dies in the street, leaving his widow and three children destitute. The devastated family is confronted not only with his loss but with a terrible challenge - how to survive. For they are cannibals. They have always existed on a diet of human flesh consumed in bloody ritual ceremonies... and the victims have always been provided by the father. Now that he is gone, who will hunt? Who will lead them? How will they sate their horrific hunger? The task falls to the eldest son, Alfredo, a teenage misfit who seems far from ready to accept the challenge... But without human meat the family will die. Shocking, bloody and deeply moving, WE ARE WHAT WE ARE is a remarkable reinvention of the horror genre - a visceral and powerfully emotional portrait of a family bound by a terrible secret and driven by monstrous appetites.
Synopsis: A middle-aged man dies in the street, leaving his widow and three children destitute. The devastated family is confronted not only with his loss but with a terrible challenge - how to survive. For they are cannibals. They have always existed on a diet of human flesh consumed in bloody ritual ceremonies... and the victims have always been provided by the father. Now that he is gone, who will hunt? Who will lead them? How will they sate their horrific hunger? The task falls to the eldest son, Alfredo, a teenage misfit who seems far from ready to accept the challenge... But without human meat the family will die. Shocking, bloody and deeply moving, WE ARE WHAT WE ARE is a remarkable reinvention of the horror genre - a visceral and powerfully emotional portrait of a family bound by a terrible secret and driven by monstrous appetites.
quinta-feira, janeiro 13, 2011
quarta-feira, janeiro 12, 2011
the most dangerous hill we have here in San Diego to try and ride down...
It's definitely the most dangerous hill we have here in San Diego to try and ride down. One of the neighbors was telling us stories how kids come to speed down it in their cars, fly out the other side, and end up in going off a cliff into a trailer park at least once a year. Apparently there's also some guy that comes by it once every two weeks, smokes a cigarette and drinks a beer at the top, then rides down on roller blades.
For Emi his larger gear ratio means he stands a less likely chance of spinning out of his pedals on the way down, but his carbon fiber front wheel means that he needs to have alot of control speed checking his way down or else the dip at the bottom will take it out.
__ via GattPhotos
terça-feira, janeiro 11, 2011
segunda-feira, janeiro 10, 2011
2011 - zombie attack!
No sábado ao jantar com um amigo, perguntou-me pelo blog, se tinha deixado isto morrer. Estranhei a pergunta - não tinha noção que ele era uma das pessoas que seguia isto. A verdade é que por vezes esta pergunta surge das pessoas que menos estou à espera, simplesmente porque acho que ninguém vem aqui. É verdade que tenho um contador, mas não me dá uma contagem diária (a menos que anote todos os dias e veja a evolução...) e como quase ninguém comenta, fui deixando isto cair... O facto de também ter começado a utilizar o reader do Gmail, onde faço share de blogs e cenas que sigo, também ajudou a que o blog fosse ficando de lado.
Na verdade, neste momento, tenho 4503 entrada desde algures em 2006 - o primeiro post foi em abril de 2006 mas o contador só foi colocado bem mais tarde...
Vou tentar reanimar isto. Primeiro que tudo, vou variar os posts, o que antes era basicamente só filmes, passará também a incluir tudo o que eu gosto, seja: skate, bmx, bike commuting, politica, livros, musica, fotos, etc... Vou igualmente actualizar e corrigir os links dos blogues e sites que tenho aqui como interesses assim como as imagens do topo (as actuais são dos meus filmes favoritos: suicide club; amores perros; old boy).
vamos lá ver se é desta que isto volta a caminhar como um zombie...
Após os dois posts já feitos em 2011, nada como colocar aqui uma montagem que combina um bom filme com uma granda malha do thrash:
Na verdade, neste momento, tenho 4503 entrada desde algures em 2006 - o primeiro post foi em abril de 2006 mas o contador só foi colocado bem mais tarde...
Vou tentar reanimar isto. Primeiro que tudo, vou variar os posts, o que antes era basicamente só filmes, passará também a incluir tudo o que eu gosto, seja: skate, bmx, bike commuting, politica, livros, musica, fotos, etc... Vou igualmente actualizar e corrigir os links dos blogues e sites que tenho aqui como interesses assim como as imagens do topo (as actuais são dos meus filmes favoritos: suicide club; amores perros; old boy).
vamos lá ver se é desta que isto volta a caminhar como um zombie...
Após os dois posts já feitos em 2011, nada como colocar aqui uma montagem que combina um bom filme com uma granda malha do thrash:
Para seres um Ninja, tens que aprender com um Ninja...
With his involvement in King Olav's secret Norwegian ninja force now outed in Thomas Cappelen Malling's Norwegian Ninja, Arne Treholt's secret ninja training manual, Ninja Technique X: Coup d'état 1984, is now being translated and prepared for release in both Norwegian and English. Here is part of the official announcement:
We're thrilled to announce the coming of Treholt's Ninjutsu handbook in the art of toppling governments, originally written in 1984 for His Majesty's Ninja Force and Naval Special Forces. This previously classified re-issue hits the bookstores in English and Norwegian this year.
"Who the Government is elected by doesn't matter. What matters is who the Government represents."
- Commander Treholt in the book's introduction.
In this volume, expect to see illustrations and photos of Commander Treholt and his Ninja-brethren demonstrating coup-planning; heads-of-state executions; stealth-techniques; false-flag terrorism and subversion; urban warfare; counter-interrogation techniques and more - such as blueprints and assault plans for key Oslo buildings and maps of Collocated Operating Base arms-depots hidden around the country.
A blog chronicling the history of Treholt's training manual and it's impending release has been set up here and visitors are currently being treated to scans of some illustrations to be found inside. Yes, this IS an actual book.
___via Twitch
We're thrilled to announce the coming of Treholt's Ninjutsu handbook in the art of toppling governments, originally written in 1984 for His Majesty's Ninja Force and Naval Special Forces. This previously classified re-issue hits the bookstores in English and Norwegian this year.
"Who the Government is elected by doesn't matter. What matters is who the Government represents."
- Commander Treholt in the book's introduction.
In this volume, expect to see illustrations and photos of Commander Treholt and his Ninja-brethren demonstrating coup-planning; heads-of-state executions; stealth-techniques; false-flag terrorism and subversion; urban warfare; counter-interrogation techniques and more - such as blueprints and assault plans for key Oslo buildings and maps of Collocated Operating Base arms-depots hidden around the country.
A blog chronicling the history of Treholt's training manual and it's impending release has been set up here and visitors are currently being treated to scans of some illustrations to be found inside. Yes, this IS an actual book.
___via Twitch
sábado, janeiro 08, 2011
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